Holiday Report 26/1

By January 26, 20022 Comments

9am – DOLPHIN DAY. Breakfast gulped down, with Becki grinning like a Cheshire cat and the thought of caressing and kissing a wet mammal. Each to their own…
10.30am – We set off far too early, and arrive with ages to spare. Trick parrots entertain us for a while, and then an enormous black bee shocks the living daylights out of me. I would have taken a picture if I wasn’t cowering behind a large bush.
12pm – Becki gets carted off in an army truck, and we wonder if we’ll next see her fighting in Afghanistan. Sadly, we all eventually turn up at the Dolphinarium, and Becki appears again, still grinning.
1.30pm – After an hour of frolicking, I?m a jealous turncoat. Dolphins are so intelligent and gentle, and it was amazing to watch. And yes, Becki got a wet kiss from two of them… The video of her fun is bought, and we return.
2pm – Alton Towers has nothing compared to a mexican taxi. The return journey leaves me breathless, and I recover for the next 6 hours.
8.30pm – The meal turns into a funfest, with a mexican and his singing band accosting everyone at the table. After he declares his undying love for Becki, we leave sharpish, only for me to have a donkey shoved in my arms for a cracking picture. SPLENDID.
10pm – We round off the night with theatre, which is far more entertaining than it sounds.
Drinks Knocked Over = 2


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